С 2007 года отель Metropole Monte-Carlo развивает экологическую политику под названием «Green Attitude», основная цель которой – снижение воздействия своей деятельности на окружающую среду.
Полностью интегрированная в нашу корпоративную культуру, она касается всех сотрудников и является важной частью клиентского опыта – как при размещении, так и в наших магазинах с едой и напитками.
Created in 2007, the main objective is the « Green Attitude » which means reducing the impact of its activity on the planet.
Fight against plastic
The Hotel Metropole has been the first 5 stars hotel in the principality to remove the use of plastic straws in its restaurants.
Energy management and soft mobility
Monaco is committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emission by 50% by 2030.
Waste management and selective sorting
We have put in place a policy to reduce the volume of our waste.
The hunt of paper
As a signatory of the Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation's « Monaco Commits to fighting deforestation » program.
Eco-responsible purchasing policy
The Hotel has chosen to put at the heart of its purchasing strategy a supply with short circuits.
The Hotel promotes the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of natural areas.
Charitable and humanitarian actions
The hotel organizes and participates in humanitarian, charitable and environmental actions.
Best Sustainability Policy for a Hotel in the World
The Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo was awarded the prize Villégiature 2021 for the most ecological establishment in the world.
Ваши действия
Более подробную информацию вы можете получить, направив нам запрос по электронной почте: greenattitude@metropole.com
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